The Solar Eclipse is one month from today, on April 8, 2024. Please support Gibson County CEO senior, Dae Riley and his innovative business, Solar Threads. Order today!

Hi, my name is Dae Riley. I am in Gibson County CEO, and I am the founder of Solar Threads, a T-shirt business for Gibson County Solar Eclipse T-shirts.
Do you remember the last solar eclipse, or the fact that you don’t have anything to remember it?
Soon, we are having another solar eclipse, and with my business, you could cherish that memory forever!

My T-shirts cost $25 a piece. The GREAT thing about my Gibson County Solar Eclipse T-shirts is that 15% of every sale is going back to Gibson County CEO!

CEO has changed my life!
Before I joined CEO, I had no idea of who I wanted to be, but now I know that I want to join the National Guard. I know that, just as CEO has changed my life for the better, the National Guard will also change my life for the better.
I want to give back and support CEO with my business.

I have two styles and three colors. Please click on the link below to order your shirts today.
Thank you so much for supporting me and for supporting Gibson County CEO!!

A special “Thank you” to Eric Heidenreich and the Gibson County Visitors and Tourism Bureau for suggesting the idea and supporting me with my business!!

Questions? Please send me an email:

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