Gibson County CEO visited Colvin Funeral Home and learned so much about the process, from the time a loved one passes away to the time of burial, and each step in between…

We appreciate Rick Hickrod and Jay Macklin for providing a wonderful tour and for sharing their years of expertise in an industry which many of us don’t understand until we are faced with needing those services.

Built in 1828, Colvin Funeral Home is only the third owner of this fantastic historic site. Jay has been with Colvin’s for the past six years and is the first female funeral director at Colvin Funeral Home. Rick’s history with Colvin’s dates back to his teenage years. He has been a partner and co-owner since 1977.

Thank you, Rick and Jay for supporting CEO and for being a trusted community pillar for past, present, and future generations.
We also welcomed CEO board chair, Doug Hall to join us for the day.

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